Log into your wallet by using socials like Google. To connect your self-custodial wallet to Swypt, simply navigate to the "Wallet" section on the platform, choose "Connect Wallet," and follow the instructions to integrate your wallet of choice.
Choose the ‘Withdraw’ option then proceed to choose the cryptocurrency you wish to withdraw from your wallet. Enter your desired amount respective of the ‘Range Limit’ then hit ‘Proceed to Withdraw’.
Enter your registered Mpesa number. Your funds will be debited to your number once you make the withdrawal transaction successfully.
Before proceeding to withdraw your funds, ensure that you have provided the correct details i.e phone number, amount and crypto to withdraw.
The next steps involves approving your transaction with your self-custodial wallet. Proceed to withdraw your digital assets then complete the transaction by cashing out.
After completing the withdraw process, You’ll receive an M-pesa message regarding your transaction.
With just a few taps, users can convert their digital assets to real-world currency and have the funds instantly credited to their connected mobile money numbers.
With just a few taps, users can convert their digital assets to real-world currency and have the funds instantly credited to their connected mobile money numbers.
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